For Akçansa, sustainability, with its social, environmental, and economic dimensions, is positioned as the main strategic element that shapes its management approach, work culture, and future existence.
Sustainability Strategy
Akçansa’s sustainability strategy is based on maximizing the value created for society and successfully seizing opportunities in the long term through more integrated, digitalized, and efficient processes while effectively managing all Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks.
Our company recognizes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a compass in its journey towards achieving a sustainable future.
Akçansa also considers its commitment to UNGC and global sustainability disclosure standards as its main tools to share its Environmental, Social, and Governance progress. With reference to these core values, Akçansa has set its 2030 Sustainability Goals, which include ‘Key Performance Indicators’ in six strategic focus areas.
Management of Sustainability
At Akçansa, sustainability strategy and performance are determined by the Board of Directors, the highest-level management body. The Board of Directors defines and approves the company’s vision, strategy, policies, risks, and opportunities in this area in line with the company’s sustainability priorities, which are reviewed periodically. The Corporate Governance Committee oversees all sustainability-related activities with the authorization of the Board of Directors. The bodies responsible for integrating and implementing the sustainability strategy with the corporate strategy are the Sustainability Executive Committee, Sustainability Committee, Working Groups, and Sustainability Department.
The integrity of information flow, integration of sustainability principles with all management activities of the organization, management of risks and opportunities, and the development of necessary practices to achieve sustainability targets are ensured by committees and working groups within the sustainability management structure.
The duties of the Sustainability Department include ensuring the coordination of all corporate sustainability activities within the sustainability management structure, carrying out internal and external sustainability communication on sustainability and ESG issues appropriately, coordinating activities during reporting periods, carrying out sustainability awareness activities and training within the organization, as well as representing the company in national, international and supranational sustainability initiatives.
The Sustainability Department and Environmental Management play a key role in Akçansa’s climate-related risk management and are responsible for coordinating actions to combat climate change in all of the company’s operations. Click here for the table.
Stakeholder Dialogue
Akçansa, which carries out value-creating activities in a way that encompasses the society in which it operates with the understanding that “We produce for the future of Türkiye,” is in constant dialogue with all its stakeholders. In line with stakeholders’ requests, opinions, and suggestions, our company makes transparent notifications about its environmental, social, and economic performance and adopts a participatory management approach.
Akçansa’s stakeholders in the ecosystem in which it operates are employees, shareholders, investors, dealers, suppliers, customers, local governments, non-governmental organizations, neighboring organizations, end users of products, employees’ families, local communities, media, universities, and opinion leaders. Our company aims to provide its employees with an inclusive, fair, equal, and safe working environment and create an open corporate culture.
Our company believes sustainable development can only be achieved by working harmoniously with stakeholders. We act together with our neighbors to discover areas in need of development and provide social benefits for a shared future.
Akçansa offers value-added products and services to its customers and implements new projects to deepen existing dealer and customer relationships.
Akçansa regularly shares the company’s financial performance and environmental, social, and corporate governance practices with its shareholders and investors.
Our company adopts the business partnership model in supplier relations. It maintains its business relations with all suppliers and subcontractors on an honest and respectful basis in accordance with the Code of Business Ethics and Supplier Code of Business Conduct.
Our Priorities and Goals
While determining sustainability targets, a comprehensive prioritization analysis was carried out according to the needs and expectations of stakeholders. The outputs of the materiality analysis played an important role in identifying the 2030 Sustainability Goals and developing the 2030 roadmap.
In line with the results of this analysis, 6 focus areas have been identified to create an effective management model. Akçansa’s 2030 Sustainability Roadmap is shaped around the focus areas of ‘Achieving Excellence in Occupational Health and Safety,’ ‘Reducing our Environmental Footprint,’ ‘Innovation and Digitalisation,’ ‘The Circular Economy,’ ‘Being a Good Neighbour,’ and ‘People, Compliance and Transparency.’ Click here for Akçansa 2030 sustainability targets and progress.
Excellence in Occupational Health and Safety
We are committed to creating an exceptional safety culture and improving occupational health and safety conditions across the entire value chain. Our goal is to achieve zero loss-time injuries and zero occupational diseases.
We will continuously improve our employees and all stakeholders in our value chain through training and awareness-raising activities on health and safety issues.
Reducing Our Environmental Footprint
We are dedicated to tackling climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and minimizing our impacts on air, land, and water.
We will reduce our CO2 emissions and production-related air emissions. Our goal is to achieve zero environmental complaints. We will increase our investments to improve our environmental performance. We aim to reduce water consumption in all businesses as much as economically and technologically possible. In order to achieve zero waste, we will use our own waste as alternative fuel wherever possible. We will increase the share of renewable energy sources in energy use. We aim to implement biodiversity management plans at our mine sites and increase the number of rehabilitated areas.
Innovation and Digitalization
We are committed to providing innovative solutions and low-carbon products to our customers and continuously improving our operational excellence through digitalization.
We will reduce the use of clinker in cement and concrete products by using alternative raw materials in cement and optimizing the binding materials used in concrete production. We will focus our R&D efforts on developing sustainable products. We aim to increase digital maturity in our processes in all functions and business units. We will increase the rate at which our production assets are covered by artificial intelligence. We aim to reduce energy consumption in cement production with digital transformation projects.
Circular Economy
We are committed to conserving natural resources through the continued use of alternative sources, such as waste, to substitute traditional fuels and raw materials.
We will continuously increase the substitution rate of natural raw materials by using alternative fuels, by-products, or recycled materials containing biomass in clinker, cement, and concrete production.
Being A Good Neighbour
We are committed to supporting our neighboring communities’ social and economic development and ensuring transparent communication with all our stakeholders.
We will continue our volunteering activities. We will increase the number of our Corporate Social Responsibility projects and measure the social impact created by each project. We will continue our transparent dialogue with society and make substantial social investments.
People, Harmony and Transparency
We are committed to upholding international human rights, anti-corruption, and labor standards at all times in order to cooperate with our stakeholders in proactive and transparent dialogue.
We are committed to creating a unique employee experience. We aim to raise awareness of our code of ethics among all our employees, including blue-collar employees, and to maintain the associated practices. We give priority to gender equality and diversity. We aim to increase the proportion of women in the workforce and the backup line. We aim to include our suppliers and subcontractors in our sustainable practices to affect all links of our value chain positively. We aim to increase the sustainability awareness of our suppliers, subcontractors, and other third parties. Further to our code of conduct, we aim to monitor our suppliers’ compliance by increasing supplier audits, including sustainability audits.