At Akçansa, we design our businesses and business methods with a holistic and development-oriented perspective, focusing on all our stakeholders. New employees joining our company undergo a digital orientation process to quickly adapt to our corporate culture. The ‘Akçansa Digital Academy’ platform, which is enriched with new training methods added every week, offers exceptional training opportunities on various topics.
Leadership Development
at Akçansa
At Akçansa, the company’s strategic road map is determined annually through ‘Leadership Meetings’ attended by Decenylenes and management staff. A Regular Leadership Styles Survey, Organisational Climate Survey, and Leadership Development programs aim to improve managers’ leadership journeys continuously. In 2022, all leadership development programs were gathered under the ‘Leaders’ brand and launched with the theme ‘Leaders UpP’ for our managers and ‘Leaders Tech’ for our chefs working in the field. In 2023, the first steps were taken for the ‘Leaders on Site’ and ‘Leaders Sales’ programs. ‘Leaders’ development programs will be updated according to our managers’ current needs and development areas and will continue to address different priorities yearly.
Skill Matrix
Training System
Our company has implemented the ‘Skill Matrix’ training system planned on an individual basis in order to improve the technical competencies of all employees in the factories; within the scope of this system, which covers 103 training topics in total and includes internal and external trainers, a 3-year plan is made with the focus of gaining cross-competencies.
In addition, we utilize the Project Marketplace process to increase inter-functional cooperation and realize projects in line with Akçansa’s strategies. While collecting projects that create value and provide cost advantages throughout the company in a single digital environment, we aim for employees to be involved in the projects they deem appropriate.
Coaching and
Mentoring Practices
Coaching and Mentoring Practices: Akçansa’s signature project for the last 7 years, the European Mentoring & Coaching Council Turkey (EMCC Turkey) accredited mentoring program ‘Career Sycamore’ continues to be implemented with 3 different period-specific approaches. Within the scope of this project, in addition to the traditional mentoring process (in which senior executives take part as mentors and younger employees as mentees), a ‘Reverse Mentoring’ practice is practiced in which employees under the age of 30 from Sabancı Group companies who are at the beginning of their career journeys and in the talent pool are placed in the role of mentor. On the other hand, Akçansa executives operating at higher career levels are placed in the position of Mentee. In this way, the aim is to ensure sharing and the establishment of a bridge between different perspectives, flexible and new-generation competencies of young talents, and experienced managers.
Akçansa Is by Your Side
The ‘Akçansa is by Your Side’ platform has been created to prioritize employees’ well-being. In addition to being a platform where employees consult with experts on healthy living, sports, and nutrition, they are also offered the opportunity to socialize through various clubs. Our employees actively participate in holistic health campaigns and competitions organized on this platform, which employees have welcomed with great interest and enthusiasm since the first day. Under the umbrella of holistic health, seminars, and training emphasizing the critical importance of physical and mental health are offered at ‘Akçansa Awareness Meetings’ with 8 different sessions. The platform also organizes “Next+” seminars, which provide a platform for expert speakers to share their knowledge and experience on a variety of topics.
Leadership Development
At Akçansa, the company’s strategic road map is determined through ‘Leadership Meetings,’ organized annually and attended by management staff. The Leadership Styles Survey, Organisational Climate Survey, and Leadership Development Programs, which are conducted regularly, aim to improve managers’ leadership journeys continuously. In 2022, all leadership development programs were gathered under the ‘Leaders’ brand and launched with the theme of ‘Leaders UP’ for our managers and ‘Leaders TECH’ for our chefs working in the field. ‘Leaders’ development programs will be updated according to our executives’ latest requirements and development areas and will continue to address various priorities annually.
Orientation Trainings
An individual orientation plan is prepared for all new employees joining Akçansa. Along with the ‘Akçansa World’ program offered in the Akçansa Digital Academy, orientation plans are supported with field trips, department meetings, and training.
Function-Specific Development Programs
Within the scope of function-based development programs, personal skills, and professional know-how development are enriched with many tools such as in-class training, teamwork, inspiring meetings, conversations with leaders, and mentoring.
Akçansa Awareness Meetings
The importance of physical and mental health is emphasized in the ‘Akçansa Awareness Meetings,’ where Akçansa employees come together over 8 different sessions. Our human resources department also organizes ‘Next+’ seminars, which provide a platform for expert speakers to share their knowledge and experience on various topics. Akçansa trains the next generation of Akçansa employees for a sustainable future with the ‘Let’s Shape the Future Together’ recruitment program.
Foreign Language Education
The company offers specially designed foreign language courses to aid its employees’ language learning within the scope of its global vision.
Higher Education Support
Within the scope of Akçansa’s development opportunities, employees receive higher education support based on their positions and the training program content they request.