April 5, 2024


Akçansa Joins the BIST Sustainability 25 Index

Akçansa, a joint venture of Sabancı Holding and Heidelberg Materials, has achieved a significant milestone by qualifying to join the BIST Sustainability 25 Index, which includes the 25 companies with the highest sustainability performance in Türkiye.

Akçansa continues its successful efforts under the principle of ‘responsible work for the future,’ focusing on creating a comprehensive positive impact, from reducing its environmental footprint to generating social benefits. The company has earned a place in the BIST Sustainability 25 Index, established by Borsa Istanbul, highlighting the top 25 publicly traded companies in Türkiye based on sustainability performance, aligned with international standards.

We Are Focused on Ensuring a Sustainable Future and Continuing our Prosperous Journey in the Industry”

Commenting on the achievement, Akçansa CEO Vecih Yılmaz stated: “While working towards becoming Türkiye’s leading sustainable building materials company regarding stakeholder value, we are proud to be included in the BIST Sustainability 25 Index, reflecting our best practices in the key areas of environmental, social, and corporate governance.

The Index, based on assessments by the international sustainability rating agency Refinitiv, provides valuable recognition of our approach to all aspects of sustainability including climate change, biodiversity, water, waste, employment, social impact, and corporate governance. We also raised our score from B to A- (leadership level) in the 2023 Climate Change Program of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), becoming the only Turkish cement company to achieve a leadership score. With our inclusion in the BIST Sustainability 25 Index, we take immense pride in the recognition of our efforts by stakeholders at both national and international levels.”